DIY Newsletter

The Student Services team extends congratulations to our students for a fantastic semester! Your dedication, hard work, and enthusiasm have truly shone through in your achievements. We look forward to continuing to assist you in your academic and personal growth. Here's to even greater successes in the coming terms!

Semester 1 Reports
Congratulations to our students for a wonderful Semester! The reports will be emailed to parents/carers during the second week of the school holidays. Please share and discuss your young person’s progress with them upon receiving the reports.

All students will be emailed their Semester 2 timetable in the second week of the school holidays. Please ensure that you check for room/line changes, prior to first day back.

School Psychologist
We warmly welcome Kim Squires in Semester 2 as our new School Psychologist at the College. She will be on site Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and will be taking referrals from our Year Coordinators. If you wish to get a referral, please book an appointment with your Year Coordinator via the website.

UC Connect
We have had a lot of interest in UC Connect this semester and we look forward to seeing our successful applicants thrive in the program next semester. If you are studying an accredited package and wish to learn more about UC Connect, please see our friendly Career Advisors for more information.

We wish all students and their families a wonderful holiday period to feel refreshed for Semester 2. If any students require support during this period, please consider contacting the appropriate service/s below:

Service Contact Details
The Junction Youth Health Service (Medical and Counselling/ Youth Work Services) (02) 6232 2323
Mind Map - ACT Youth Portal is a dedicated portal for children and young people (up to 25 years of age) to help navigate Canberra's mental health system and to find the right service and support.
1800 862 111
11am to 10pm, 7 days/week

Menslink mentoring and counselling (males 10‐25yo)

6287 2226

Teachers/parents can refer students directly via online form.

Meridian – Provides health/mental health/social support to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) communities.

6257 0372 or via email at

Headspace ACT eHeadspace

(02) 6113 5700

Life Line

13 11 14

Student Voice Forum
On Wednesday 3 July, three students attended the Student Voice Forum facilitated by the Inclusive Education team at Shirley Smith High School. Students from twelve schools across the ACT came together to share their experience, insight and hopes for the future of inclusion in our school settings.

Price Magero, Oliver Cameron and Kassi Thomos contributed to the three sessions across the day through discussion with peers, completion of topic questions and participating in interviews and filming of their ideas and opinions. These students showed strong leadership across the day, taking the initiate to interact and support younger students and lead discussion groups with students and staff.

We look forward to their positive contributions at the next two Student Voice forums later in the year.

ACT Scaling Test (AST)
We have been busy with the AST Preparation and Training Program for our Year 12 Tertiary students. This term, Year 12 T students:

  • Attended two intensive training sessions, one on decoding AST questions and another on crafting good answers. We had over 120 students attend at least one session this term, with many attending both!
  • Participated in AST Week in Week 5 in their classes with classroom teachers

A general reminder: Please do not organise family holidays and other avoidable travel during the AST dates. The 2024 AST will be held on Tuesday 3 and Wednesday 4September (Week 7, Term 3). Scheduled trips that are avoidable (i.e. they could be arranged for any other time) are not eligible reasons for AST Special Provisions or second sitting applications.

Upcoming dates:

  • Term 3 AST Preparation and Training commences on Wednesday H Line from Week 1, Term 3

Careers Information

University of Canberra - Explore Day
Explore UC" welcomed 20 Year 11, and 12 students from the College to experience a day on campus. Each student participated in four workshops of their choice, exploring diverse fields aligned with their interests and aspirations. The interactive sessions, campus tours, and engagement with faculty and current students left a lasting impression. Students loved the opportunity to delve into university life and gain insights into future academic and career possibilities.

Work Experience
During Semester 1, the Work Experience program proved to be an immensely valuable for our students. This program saw a significant number of participants eagerly exploring various career pathways through placements at institutions such as Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Australians Signals Directorate, Yowani Golf Club, Toyota Canberra, as well as several childcares and schools. The diversity of placements offered, enriched the educational experience by providing students with hands-on opportunities to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings. The Work Experience program exemplifies our commitment to preparing students for their future by offering meaningful experiences that contribute to their personal and professional growth.

Any students interested in organising a placement for Semester 2, please see Ryan in Careers.

The Canberra CareersXpo - whole school excursion
The Canberra CareersXpo is an annual event held in August each year. The event is open to secondary students throughout the ACT and surrounding NSW schools network seeking information on career and study pathways. There will be over 150 local and national exhibitors, including universities, colleges, VET and career placement organisations, providing a wide range of information sources.

When: Wednesday 7 August 11am – 1.15pm

Permission notes: available at the Front Office and outside Careers office (E103)

Where: Exhibition Park in Canberra (EPIC), Cnr Flemington Rd & Northbourne Ave/Federal Hwy Mitchell

Transport: ACTION buses have been chartered and will depart from the front of the College

Excursion permission forms: Due at the Front Office by Wednesday 31 July 2023

Cost: No cost to students

General Information: Students and staff attend this annual event, together.

All students will attend their timetabled classes on F Line from 8.40 - 10.40am and upon their return to school, their D Line class from 1.40-2.40pm.  Students will return to the college by 1.15pm.

This is a normal school day, and all students should attend as usual – any absences must be explained.



In Year 11 Biology, students have focussed their efforts this term on learning how organisms ‘work’. We have looked at all manner of organs and organisms, including learning surgical skills by dissecting earthworms to look at their digestive tract. There was the usual heart and kidneys, but we finished the term with a pluck (heart, lungs and liver all connected) and used the compressor to inflate the lungs. Students were amazed by how large they grew when inflated, how slippery they were on the outside, and how intricate the passages lined with cartilage were. Finally, all the new dissecting skills were put to the ultimate test as we dissected rats, as a chance to see all the systems in place, in one organism. This was a hugely engaging activity and students were both horrified (mainly by the smell) and captivated by the details of the rat’s inner workings.

The Year 12 Biology students have been learning about their immune systems and how they work. This amazingly intricate system keeps us alive every day, and everyone had a new appreciation for their innate and adaptive immune systems by the end. Not to mention the luxury of living in a time and place of ready immunisations and antibiotics! As their assignment this term, each student selected their own native plant to test its antibacterial properties against two different types of bacteria. They presented their results as a poster, and we had a little presentation session in class. The students presented their posters to one another and discussed what they had learned. As you can see in the image there were some fabulous posters produced! 

Digital Technology and Robotics News

Bebras Computing Challenge 2024 (Digital Technologies)
Bebras is a fun and engaging computational thinking challenge for students in Years 3 to 12. It is an international challenge that involves over 2.9 million students from 60 countries. In 2024 the challenge was organised for the first time by the Australian Maths Trust (AMT) in Canberra. Digital technology students participated in this competition representing the College in the senior secondary years (11-12) level. 

We had close to 33 students who sat the test. We had 1 distinction, 3 merits and 6 credits. This is a great achievement, as all 10 students had high rankings within Australia given the diverse range of countries that the competition took place in. Emily Scott from Year 12 achieved a distinction in this challenge with a stand-out performance from our school.

Computing and Algorithmics Challenge – CAT 2024 (Digital Technologies)
The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) competition gives students the opportunity to develop their problem-solving skills through algorithmic thinking. The competition incorporates unique ‘three-stage tasks’ that encourage students to develop informal algorithms and apply them to test data of increasing size or complexity.

Like all competitions, the CAT contains unique problems designed each year by leading educators, academics and industry experts to challenge and extend students’ problem-solving skills. Once again Digital technology students participated in this competition representing the College in the senior secondary years (11-12) level. 

In a harder algorithmics test, we had 1 distinction and 6 credits. All of the students achieving these had high rankings within Australia given the diverse range of countries that the competition took place in. Benjamin Pye from Year 11 achieved a distinction with a stand-out performance.

Robotics Course- Student Spotlight!
In first semester of Robotics, students have been studying the unit Applications of Circuits in Robotics. Year 12 student, Daniel Weston has used Arduino code to simulate a typical traffic control system as part of his latest project in robotics. The system takes into account vehicles, pedestrians and the functioning of traffic lights across different types of lanes. The images below illustrate the different stages of transition involving circuit design, construction and programming of the traffic control system. 

Year 11 students, Jet Jackson and Prajiet Easwaran have used a bit of circuit design and construction to establish a typical transmitter-receiver system. The image below shows the different stages of transition and testing in conducted in difficult weather outside their lab.

Mathematics Tutorials
Students have the opportunity to enhance their mathematical skills by attending dedicated maths tutorials during H line. These sessions provide a supportive environment where students can seek further guidance and assistance from various experienced maths staff, ensuring they have the resources needed to succeed in their studies. These tutorials have proven valuable during Term 2 and we thank the students for their participation.

ANU Maths Day
On 29 May, five of our Year 12 Specialist Mathematics students participated in the annual ANU Maths day. During the day, each team is pitted head-to-head with a team from another school to complete four challenges.

The first challenge is a group contest. Mathematical stories, riddles and puzzles challenge the students to think critically and creatively. Next up is the “Swiss”. In this challenge, the students have to find the rule from a couple of examples and continue the pattern. It is fascinating to watch the students calculate mentally, sometimes with very large numbers. The “Cross number puzzle is the third challenge. Each team is divided in two, and give half the clues to a cross number, similar to a crossword. Solving the puzzle involves each team finding digits in the puzzle. Meanwhile, the supervisors (teachers) pass any correct answers to the other half of the team. Again, strategic and critical thinking are as important as mathematical knowledge to enable the teams to complete the whole puzzle. After lunch, energy can flag, but the Relay takes care of that. Again, the teams are divided in two, and take it in turns to solve puzzles. To allow them the next question, the other half must have completed theirs and “run” their answer to the adjudicators at the top of the room. Patience and a willingness to “give up” up on a question to allow the other half a chance, is the key in this “race”.

While technically a competition, the day is really more about meeting other lovers of Mathematics from schools in Canberra, Wollongong, South Coast, Southern Highlands and Sydney. There is a lot of intense concentration, laughter and celebration.

While we did not place on the podium of winners, our team consisting of Jamie Lanc, Laasya Gunnam, Ellie Magee, Lilliana Tin Tun and Alex Nguyen, did themselves proud on the day.


Student Leadership Group - Reconciliation Week Bake Sale
In SLG the big event of the term was the Reconciliation week bake sale where the group’s great baking efforts raised money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. The Indigenous Literacy Foundation is a non-profit organisation that helps address the educational disadvantages facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders children and aids in finding books and other educational benefits. This event proved to be very popular with a huge turn out of students and staff, allowing us to raise almost $500 for the chosen charity.


Sustainability Group
This term the school has welcomed a blossoming new Sustainability group for students to get involved in. It has been so heartening to see this enthusiastic group of students coming together to discuss how they can ‘act local’ at our school. Next term we are planning to kick off with a rubbish audit at the end of Week 1. This will aim to evaluate how our waste is being disposed of at the school, and whether there is significant contamination of the recycling. Once we know what is happening with our waste streams, we will be in a better position to understand what areas we need to focus on, to educate the school community and improve our environmental footprint.

Health, Medical and Applied Science (HMAS) R Unit
The students who have participated in the Health, Medical and Applied Sciences R unit have had a wide range of experiences in the last term, packing plenty into our weekly meetings. There have been two excursions over to University of Canberra, where we were welcomed to learn about careers in Radiography and Pharmacy. A wonderful local Veterinarian, Shayne Thomas, donated her time to come in and chat to the students about the options for studying vet science or vet nursing. It was fun playing ‘count the heads’ on the doggy x-ray to try to guess how many babies were in a pregnancy! More adventures will be coming next term, including a hands-on session with the RoboGals from ANU in week 1 where we will have fun with robots, and a trip to the pathology lab to see what happens to your blood sample after you leave it at the clinic. All students are welcome to participate in the R unit, you can come occasionally or every week. When you complete 11 hours you get a 0.2 R unit registered on your academic transcript to acknowledge your participation.

UN Youth Australia 2024 National Conference
Four students from the college attended the UN Youth Australia 2024 National Conference. This event brought together young leaders from across the country to discuss and develop solutions for pressing global issues. Well done to Leo McAuliffe, Amelia Condon-Cernovs, Zach Zhao, Price Magero on their participation. 

Sydney Olympic Sports Development Excursion

Each year, the Sports Development course travels interstate to tour various professional facilities and elite sport schools to provide unique sporting experiences and an insight into what it takes to be an elite athlete. Last year, we toured Melbourne clubs and schools and attended major sporting events.

Here are a selection of pictures from last years excursion!

In week 3, Term 3 (while the Paris Olympics is running) we are travelling to Sydney Olympic Park with 76 students. On Thursday August 8, we head to the Sydney Swans head quarters for a tour and training session, assisted by Lake Ginninderra graduate and AFLW Swans star Cynthia Hamilton. We return to Sydney Olympic Park for dinner, then attend the Rabbitohs v Storm NRL match in the same stadium Cathy Freeman won Olympic Gold in 2000.

The next day we visit an Olympic pathway school, Westfields Sports High to tour their facilities and also play them in friendly Basketball, Oz Tag, Soccer and Netball matches. We will return to Olympic Park touring the Greater Western Sydeny (GWS) stadium meeting with another Lake Ginninderra graduate in the squad. Finally, we head to the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG) to attend the blockbuster Swans v Collingwood AFL match. 

Pictures: Rabbitohs v Storm NRL Match, Westfield Sports High, Swans v Collingwood SCG Match

Our College is proud to have been a part of the education of many Olympic athletes, more than other schools in the country. This is particularly exciting as we approach the Olympic Games for 2024. We have numerous graduates participating at the Paris Olympics. The majority of the Boomers and Opals basketball squads are graduates, as is Matilda's athlete, Emily Van Egmond, world Javelin Champion, Kelsey-Lee Barbour and many more, who are still gaining qualification.

Our Arts, Design, and Technology faculty has been buzzing with activity this semester. Students have been engaged in a variety of creative, practical, and hands-on projects, showcasing their talents and hard work. From innovative design concepts to stunning artworks, the semester has been filled with inspiration and creativity. Keep an eye out for upcoming displays of their impressive work! Next term we start preparing for our annual Arts, Design and Technology Showcase event in Term 4 where we display and celebrate all the work and achievements of our students. 

Design and Graphics
In the Design and Graphics course, our students amazed us with their creativity and skills by designing unique, positive text-based skateboards. They used advanced tools in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create visually stunning designs, complete with professional mockups. Congratulations on all your hard work!

Drama and Dance
Act Up! Festival
On Friday 31 May, our Drama and Dance students performed as part of The Canberra Theatre Centre’s annual student performing arts festival, Act Up! Presenting original works between 5-10 minutes in length, our students demonstrated great creative and critical thinking in their interpretations of the year’s theme: Culture and Identity.

Our Drama students presented two original plays. The Haunted Forest explored the different ways in which people respond to grief and loss, as a group of young people search for their missing friend after a practical joke goes awry. Stranded told the story of nine children shipwrecked on a desert island, asking audiences to think about how our identities are shaped by the people around us and the experiences we go through.

Our dancers created an exquisite piece entitled The Red String, about how relationships are made, broken, and healed. They blended Contemporary, Ballet and Hip-Hop styles to craft a visually stunning piece, which was widely regarded as a highlight of the performance evening.

QL2 Dance Perfomance 
Four of our dance students have been regular members of QL2 for a number of years, and were excited to take part in Subject to Change, the retirement season of Quantum Leap founder Ruth Osborne.

Our dance class (accompanied by teacher Dana Packham) was thrilled to be able to go along to the Canberra Theatre to support their peers, in what was a riveting and excellently produced show. Our four QL2 students – Jemma Farrall, Maya Wille-Bellchambers, Akira Byrne, and Arshiya Abhishree – demonstrated technical and expressive excellence on the Playhouse stage, doing the College proud.

QL2 Dance.jpg

College Musical – Kiss Me, Kate!
Preparation for this year’s college musical is in full swing! The cast have been working hard learning songs, blocking scenes, and mastering choreography for this hilarious, irreverent and ridiculous musical theatre classic!

Kiss Me, Kate is a story about ex-lovers, new lovers, Shakespeare lovers, and a couple of gangsters holding the show at ransom. With iconic numbers like 'Too Darn Hot', 'So In Love', and 'Brush Up Your Shakespeare', Kiss Me, Kate is a high-energy, high-comedy celebration of theatre, love, and surprisingly frequent dirty jokes.

Kiss Me, Kate will run from the 15 to the 17 August, here in the UC SSC Lake Ginninderra theatre. Ticket information will be available closer to the season.

ACT HUB A Streetcar Named Desire
We're thrilled to announce that our very own teacher, Lachlan Ruffy, delivered a compelling performance as Mitch in ACT Hub's rendition of A Streetcar Named Desire by Tenesee Williams. His excellence on stage was truly remarkable. We congratulate Lachlan on this outstanding achievement and feel incredibly fortunate to have such a talented individual working in our faculty. His dedication and skill are invaluable assets to our school community.

Student Films
The Media students have had a very busy term completing their first major media production for the year. The submissions were excellent; ranging in genre from micro-documentaries about the negative impacts of vaping and social media, to narratives about littering, procrastination and living with ADHD, as well as a reality-tv style film about surviving in the bush. Students enjoyed a private screening with popcorn and apples in the lecture theatre to celebrate their achievements.

ABC Workshop
At the beginning of the term ABC News sent journalist, Troy, and cameraman, Michael, as well as thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment, to hold a two hour workshop for media students. Students learnt a great deal about what it takes to be a cameraman and a journalist, as well how drastically the news landscape in Australia has changed over the past 40 years, particularly with the development of technology. Michael also demonstrated how to use a dolly and create professional lighting for filming an interview. We look forward to another workshop later in the year.

Step into the Limelight
Several of our students will be participating in Step into the Limelight (SITL) the annual arts showcase event for public schools, held in Term 3. This showcase holds two events, an Art Exhibition held in July/August and a Gala Showcase in September. Both events will feature various artistic disciplines including dance, drama, media, music, photography, ceramics and visual art. 

The College has submitted student work in photography, media, ceramics and visual art for the Art Exhibition held at M16 Artspace in Griffith. This exhibition will run from Wednesday 24 – Sunday 4 August.

Artwork 1: Ehlana Kent Stepping into the Future Watercolour
Artwork 2: Harry Singh Finish Line Digital Photograph
Artwork 3: Rylee Holmes Eyes Acrylic Paint
Artwork 4: Shelby Akesson Through the Looking Glass Digital Photograph


Later in Term 3, several students will be performing dance and music performances in the Gala Showcase at Llewellyn Hall, as well as students assisting in the backstage technical crew. More information about the Gala Showcase is to come. From left to right, Phuong Ahn Nguyen, Kendra Robertson, Selima Macadam. Jasper Granger, Arden Pekkarinen pose as they rehearse their dance number for the Gala showcase! 


Congratulations in advance to students and staff on their commitment to excellence in the Arts!  

Design For Emerging Technologies
This term, our Design for Emerging Technologies class showcased their innovative ideas and technical skills by prototyping and building their own light designs. Students began with CAD models, which they then brought to life using a variety of materials, tools, and processes, including 3D printing and rapid prototyping. The result was a collection of excellent designs catering to various lighting needs. Below you can see the designs and prototypes of two of our students Zach Deery and Seth Moses.
Fashion and Textiles
In Fashion and Textiles, the students have just completed the Design for Futures unit. Their brief was to consider designing for the future and sustainability, using recycled, eco-materials (pre-loved, recycled denim clothing) with an anti-fast fashion attitude. As young contemporary designers, they have been encouraged to look at ways to move beyond fashion that is "better for the environment" to create a design revolution guided by intention, purpose and longevity.

Below is a selection of the wide range of prototypes created by the students, featuring designs from (models left to right) Shelby Akesson, Georgie Bianchini and May Howard, Zoe Kirpson-Colley, Sarah Efford and Hannah Boulton, Issy Jones and Mars Sheppard. We love seeing this fabulous student work!


Cancer Council Biggest Morning Tea
Year 12 Hospitality students spent a few weeks preparing for the annual Cancer Council fundraiser – Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. This is the 8th year that the Hospitality classes have participated in this event, each year with more input and enthusiasm. With both hot and cold food and drinks on offer the donations came flooding in. In just one 40-minute lunchbreak they managed to raise a total of $551.00! Congratulations to all those involved and a huge thankyou to everyone who generously donated to this important cause.


Information Night!
Wednesday 22 May was the Colleges information night! Our hospitality staff and students provided delicious catering for the event and the school was alive with excitment, as prospective students and theitr families toured the school. There were fantastic displays across all areas and we loved meeting all the potential students to joing our faculty in 2025! We were excited to showcase growing courses such as Engineering, Design for Emerging Technologies and Photography. All courses which will benefit from the new and improved upgrades to spaces in the College, built to accomodate these specialised areas.

Sharing school events and student success
Students and staff have been busy this term, with not only school projects, study and extra-curricular activities but supporting charity events as well. Extra-curricular events such as archery in Physics, Engineering students have been creating a prototype to solve a current issue in our community. Students’ projects include Maglev trains, light rail bridges, launchers for unmanned fixed-wing aircraft and prosthetic limbs and visits to the Law Courts as part of Law Week saw students out and about with some ‘real world’ application.

Step into the Limelight
The 2024 "Step into the Limelight Art Exhibition" will run from Wednesday 24 July – Sunday 4 August at M16 Artspace in Griffith. The College has also nominated students to participate in the Gala Showcase. The Gala Showcase performances are on Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 September, Llewellyn Hall, ANU School of Music. Congratulations in advance to students and staff on their commitment to excellence in the Arts.

Reconciliation Week
Recon week.jpg
Thank you to all staff for supporting – great Support Group lessons, bake sale, and contributions by our First Nations students and School Leadership Group. Proceeds from bake sale to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation – nearly $500 raised!!!Terrific positive contribution to initiatives such as supplying books, engaging with reading and community publishing. Thanks to Zoe Rothfield and Sarah Belling and School Leadership Group in particular.

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
Australias BMT.jpgBMT 2024.jpg
Hospitality students and teachers supported Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and raised money for the Cancer Council. Thanks to Anna, Raven, hospitality/food team, Shannon, Pema, helpers, and the students!

Global Classroom Education Program 2024
The Global Classroom excursion departed on Thursday 13 June with eight students and two staff. The conference was hosted by Anderson High School, Lerwick, Shetland, Scotland. We can't wait to hear all about it now that our students and staff have returned home safely.

Sporting success
Congratulations to many of our sporting teams who have both participated and been very successful in recent competitions. The girls took out the ACT Futsal final and the ACT Football Carnival, a great job in the cold and the sleet! Please read our sports section for further news! Well done to students, staff and coaches.

School musical “Kiss Me Kate” 
Looking forward to seeing "Kiss Me Kate" our school musical. Lachlan our drama teacher and students have been working hard on this classic musical comedy. More information will be available in term 3.
Kiss Me,.jpg

ACT HUB A Streetcar Named Desire
Our very own Lachlan Ruffy, Drama/Dance/English teacher delivered a captivating portrayal as Mitch in ACT Hub's production of "A Streetcar Named Desire" His exceptional performance on stage was truly remarkable. Congratulations to Lachlan on this outstanding achievement.

School up grades and learning space re-development.
School upgrades.jpg
Thank you all for your understanding as the College has undergone construction of the IT labs, Media suite and facilities and upgrades to carpets commence. The major construction/redesign projects are on track to be completed by the beginning of term 3.

A walled background - one or more curved surfaces. In still photography or video production, this helps make your background almost ‘disappear,’ leaving a ton of possibilities for lighting.

Support Group Program
Support Group for Term 2 is well underway, with engaging and innovative curriculum studied by both Year 11 and 12. In Year 11, students are focusing on Self-Regulated Learning, developing the skills needed to shape their success at college. In Year 12, a new school initiative responding to student and societal need, classes are developing their Financial Literacy, with an introduction to adulthood (the joys of finance) appreciated by all.
Support Group Program.jpg

Student Leadership Group
Great to see more student activity this year!
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander class and the Student Leadership Group together created a lesson around reconciliation day and ideas that everyone can do to help bring about reconciliation.
Student Leadership Group.jpg
Create Native Beehive

Harmony Day also a great success and more input at assemblies. A newly formed Sustainability Group is looking to create native beehives, money for projects and charities 10cent collections and recycling bottle tops, Lids4Kids.

Student Centred Improvement Framework (SCIF)

The purpose of the new framework is to evaluate the school’s current practices and identify what improvements are needed for sustained positive impact on students. Our school’s focus is on curriculum, assessment, and pedagogy. The report is currently being finalised with recommendations to assist us to focus our Action Plans over the next few years.

ACT Scaling Test (AST)
We have been busy with our AST Preparation and Training Program for our Year 12 Tertiary students. This term, Year 12 T students have been doing trial papers in preparation. Thankyou to students and staff for their commitment as practising helps to build knowledge, skills and an understanding of the task types, requirements, and process. All the best to our students doing the AST in September.

School Psychologist
We welcome Kim Squires, school psychologist for the remainder of the year. Kimberley (Kim) is a psychologist who comes to ACT Education after completing her training and early career in Queensland working with children and young people. Kim will be working Monday -Wednesday.

School Lawyer
We welcome Vivian Le the college lawyer is at Lake Ginninderra College every Thursday in 2024 at student services. They provide free and confidential legal help to students and their families. If you would like to make an appointment to see the college lawyer, please call 6243 3460 or email

Coffee catchup
Next term’s principal’s coffee catchup will be on Thursday 8 August. Hoping to show you some of the new projects, enjoy morning tea from our café van, and to meet some of our heads of departments too.


Have a lovely holiday – time to rest and relax. Please don’t forget the first Monday of each term is pupil free, so school resumes for students on Tuesday 23 July.

Principal - Melissa Planten

Melissa Planten

Term 2 Sports Report
Another term full of sporting opportunities has come to an end. It’s been extremely busy, full of laugher and memories made by all involved. If you missed out in Semester 1, be proactive in Semester 2 to ensure you get the chance to partake in the wide world of sports on offer. Express your interest via this Google Form. Thank you to the 158 students who have already done so to allow the HOPE faculty to begin planning! In Semester 1 we had 223 students represent the College in one or more sporting events.

Intercollege Sport

Intercollege Futsal Boys and Girls

The girls were undefeated throughout the term becoming champions against Erindale College in the grand finale.

Both Lake G Blue and Green won their respective pool games and faced off in a very competitive semi-final which resulted in Green taking the win.

The boys were up next, played against Erindale, they were runners-up after a very competitive match.


Intercollege Ultimate Frisbee
Although there was a small turnout from ACT colleges for ultimate frisbee this year, the grand final resulted in a Lake G black vs Lake G white this was a very competitive match resulting in Lake G black taking the win. 


One Day Carnivals
Alan Tongue Cup 9's
Thanks to NRL Canberra for hosting the Alan Tongue Cup again this year, with a competitive group of men, we set our sights on getting as many wins as possible. Playing off against Erindale for 3rd and 4th, we walked away with the win resulting in a 3rd place finish overall.

We have now qualified to compete in the NRL Country Cup as part of the regional finals in Cootamundra, which will be on Thursday 1 August. Further information will be sent out via email.

ACT 13Y&0 Golf
Congratulations to Sports Development students Nathan White and Christian Leggett who competed at the 13&0 SSACT Golf Day. Nathan shot an even par round which resulted in a second place finish for the open boys. Nathan was then selected as part of the SSACT team to play at the National School Championships in August – congratulations and good luck to Nathan.

FNSW - South Coast Region
With an early start, leaving Canberra at 5:00am, 3 boys teams and 1 girls team travelled to Shoalhaven Indoor Sports Centre to compete in the Futsal Schools Championships South Coast Region event.FNSW South Coast Champs.JPG

Our boys team unfortunately lost in the semifinal to the eventual winners Edmon Rice College, however our girls team came out with amazing win in the grand final. They have now qualified for the state finals to be held in Windsor in September.

ACT Swimming
Congratulations to our 6 wonderful swimmers at the 13&0 ACT Swimming Championships in June. Special mention to Rachel Allen who was named 17 years girls age champion.

Please see all results below.

Isabelle Gaul (16 girls) Angus Whitby (16 boys) Satya Yogeswaran (16boys)
Gaul Isabelle.jpg
Whitby Angus.jpg
Yogeswaran Satyendra.jpg
7th - 50M freestyle 5th - 50m freestyle 15th - 50m freestyle
5th - 100m freestyle 3rd - 50m breaststroke 10th - 100m freestyle
10th - 200m freestyle
8th - 50m butterfly
6th - 50m backstroke
Dakota Thorne (17 girls) Rachell Allen (17 girls) Thomas Menzies-Stegbauer (18 boys)
Thorne Dakota.jpg
Allen Rachel.jpg
Menzies-Stegbauer Thomas.jpg
4th - 50m freestyle 
6th - 50m freestyle  6th - 100m freestyle
5th - 100m freestyle
8th - 100m freestyle 4th - 200m 
4th - 50m breastsroke 
1st - 50m breaststroke
9th - 50m backstroke
1st - 100m breaststroke
4th - 100m breaststroke 
9th - 50m backstroke
6th - 100m backstroke
3rd - 50m butterfly
3rd - 100m butterfly
2nd - 200IM

Netball Mixed
The annual Mixed Netball Gala Day is always a popular one. With some very competitive trials, 4 teams were created. Lake G Blue finished runners up against Erindale Red in the grand final. Huge shout out to Claire F (year 11) and Caitlin W (2023 alumni) who volunteered their time to umpire for the day.

Basketball ACT College 3v3
Students very confidently registered their interests and created their teams for the 3v3 Basketball again this year. Congratulations to the Boys Lake G White who finished runners up against Erindale in the grand final.

Brumbies HS & Colleges 7s Boys
The boys competed 1:1 in the pool stage of the competition showing impressive skills and teamwork, unfortunately they were eliminated in the semi-final against Radford.

Boys Brumbies 7s

Katrina Fanning Cup 9's (Girls)
What a wonderful opportunity this was to see girls having their very first experience playing a contact sport. With many buying a mouthguard for the first time and learning the rules from the more experienced players throughout the day it was an impressive performance from all.

Katrina Fanning 9s team

The girls finished runners up to Gungahlin College in the end, well done to all who participated, we hope to see some in the NRL soon.

Girls Football
What an impressive day these girls had. With such a range of abilities within the team, they all supported one another and worked cohesively and taking the win against MacKillop in the grand final! Congratulations girls, a very impressive result.


Mixed Hockey - Combined HS & College
After a few years of low numbers, this year the mixed hockey day is back. So wonderful to see our more experienced players taking leadership opportunities - Sophie taking on the role of coach and Peter as captain to lead some fresh faces onto the field. A very successful day finishing Runners-Up against Gungahlin College in the end. Thank you to Sophie and Peter for sharing your expertise.

Mixed hockey

ACT Cross Country
On a very cold winter day, some brave runners headed out to Stromlo Park to compete in the SSACT 13&0 Cross Country Carnival.

16BOYS Satya Yogeswaran 2nd
18BOYS Thomas Menzies-Stegbauer 2nd
17GIRLS Ella Hogg – 11th
Xanthe Pick – 4th
Dakota Thorne – 13th
18GIRLS Hannah Leitch – 11th

SSACT Representative from Semester 1
The following students have been named in School Sport SACT teams during Semester 1 and we wish to either congratulate them on their selection or performance at their respective National Championships:

Alisha Kumar                           2024 18&U Tennis
Jake Slater                                2024 18&U Softball Boys
Erin Boardman                        2024 18&U Softball Girls
Ben Godwin                             2024 16&U Basketball Boys 
Alina Roberts                           2024 18&U Football Girls (Soccer)
Reilly Yuen                               2024 18&U Football Girls (Soccer)
Olivia Brankovic                       2024 16&U Basketball Girls 
Jaya Bowman                           2024 18&U Football Girls (Soccer) 
Nathan White                          2024 18&U Golf Girls & Boys
Ryan W Gooch                          2024 16&U Basketball Boys
Tia Burridge                              2024 18&U Football Girls (Soccer)
Angus Whitby                          2024 19&U Swimming
Dakota Thorne                          2024 19&U Swimming
Zachary Colson                        2024 16&U Boys Football (Soccer)
Sivamsh Deevi                          2024 16&U Boys Football (Soccer)  
Charlie Rae 2024 16&U Boys Football (Soccer)  
Thomas Menzies-Stegbauer 2024 19&U Cross Country    
Satyendra Kam Yogeswaran   2024 19&U Cross Country

Individual Student Success

Dakota Thorne – Powerlifting
Dakota is a competitive swimmer who has added power lifting to her sporting repertoire! Dakota has qualified for nationals at her first ever competition. In the Teen 2 Sub-junior class U75kg division she completed a 90kg squat, 55kg bench press, and a 130kg deadlift to qualify. Dakota's bench press has now been formally identified as an Australian record, this is a huge achievement. Congratulations to Dakota and all the best for nationals.

Thorne Dakota.jpgDakota Thorne - Record.jpg

Paige Galbraith – Gymnastics
Paige represented the ACT at the 2024 Australian Gymnastics Championships in May on the Gold Coast. As a level 8 gymnast, Paige has competed in the All-Around competition with her best performance on the floor and vault. With over 60 competitors this was a wonderful experience for her to build her confidence and grow as an elite athlete.


Mayah Amosa, Imojean Vea and Sienna Johnston – Rugby Union
These three students represented the ACT in the U18 Girls Brumbies at the NSW Championships in June. Going up against some tough competition in Sydney they finished 5th overall. Huge congratulations to all!

Skylar, Mayah, Sienna and Imojean - Brumbies U18.PNG

Imojean Vea has also been named in the ACT School Girls Rugby League team heading to Coffs Harbour during the July school holidays to compete the int ASSRL Championships. We wish Imojean all the best.

Ella van den Heuvel – Rugby League
Ella has been selected in the Canberra Raiders Under 17's Female Pathway Squad an opportunity to further develop her knowledge and skills in Rugby League as a star to watch in the future for the NRLW! In addition to this, she has also been selected in the ACT Cougars 17 girls State of Origin team! We can't wait to see what the future holds for Ella.

Ella van den Heuvel

Jamie Austin and Aaron Kent - Rocky Trails Academy Canberra Schools Mountain Bike Competition
Year 11 student Jamie Austin and year 12 student Aaron Kent competed in the Rocky Trails Academy Canberra Schools mountain bike competition. Jamie and Aaron finished 4th and 5th respectively in a small but highly skilled and competitive field. Congratulations to these students on this excellent achievement!

Mt Bike.jpg

Alumni Success
Tandia Briggs (2023) and Ella Schabort (2022) are off to the U20’s Asian Championship to represent Australia in Volleyball beginning in July. It’s wonderful to see both girls continuing to pursue their careers as volleyballers post-school, all the best for this international tournament. Keep an eye on the Ausvolley YouTube channel to livestream their games.

Tandia and Ella - Alumni.PNGElla also recently represented Australia in the senior Women’s Volleyroos team at the Asian Cup in May, resulting in a 4th place finish. This has been one of the best results in any Asian tournament in 40 years. Congratulations to Ella and the girls on their AVC Challenge Cup result.

Mitch Croft (2023) was a part of the Australian U20 Australian team who took on New Zealand in a three-match series in June. Coached by current HOPE staff member Andre Borgeaud and alumni Josh Connell (2012) they won and qualified for the Asian Championships in Indonesia later this year. Congratulations and good luck!


The Men’s Volleyroos also consists of a few familiar faces, they recently played in the AVC Challenge Cup in Bahrain. It’s wonderful to see these alumni athletes following their passion.

2 Arash Dosanjh Class of 2013
9 Matthew Aubrey Class of 2014
10 Sam Flowerday Class of 2019
13 Thomas Heptinstall Class of 2016
21 Nick Butler Class of 2014
27 Max Senica Class of 2016
29 Ethan Garrett Class of 2018

Emily van Egmond (2010) has been named as part of the Matilda’s squad heading to Paris for the Olympics starting on July 26th. Be sure to support all the Australians competing in the Summer Olympics and Paralympics. Hopefully more alumni’s will be named in the coming weeks.

Vocational Education and Training courses (VET)

Advice for students undertaking Vocational Education and Training courses

Students currently enrolled in a Vocational Education and Training (VET) course may be invited by the Australian Skills Quality Authority to provide feedback over the coming weeks on their experiences with the program. This is part of our re-registration process as a Registered Training Organisation.

Registration is essential and ensures we continue to deliver and assess nationally recognised and accredited VET training and qualifications.

Participation in any survey or feedback process is completely voluntary. Students are encouraged to provide open, honest, and constructive feedback to help ensure we continue to provide you with the best training experience possible.

For more information you can contact:

Belconnen_Training_logo_8.pngSexual Health, Lifestyle and Relationships Program (SHLiRP)
The Sexual Health, Lifestyle, and Relationships Program (SHLiRP) visited the college earlier in Term 2. This important initiative provides valuable information, education and testing for STIs and blood-borne viruses to our Year 11 and 12 students.

The program included information sessions held during school assembleis. These were presented by qualified nurses and experts from the Canberra Sexual Health Centre and Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT.

Participation in SHLiRP ensures students receive reliable and professional information and care. 


Parent/Carer reminder – Protecting ourselves from illness over winter
The cooler weather is well and truly here. We have already seen an increase in COVID-19 and other seasonal illness at school, and across the community. It is important we keep everyone healthy by making sure we take simple steps to protect one another.

As parents and carers, one of the simplest ways to do this is to keep your child at home when they are unwell.

If your child has COVID-19 you must let us know by contacting the Front Office.

Your child should only return to school once they are well, and their symptoms have cleared.

Get Vaccinated
You are reminded that vaccination is one of the best ways to keep everyone safe. I encourage everyone who can, to get vaccinated for COVID-19 and the seasonal flu. To find out more visit the ACT Health website.  

COVID Smart ACT Public Schools
ACT public schools have a range of strategies in place to keep everyone safe over winter. This includes cleaning of high touch points in schools, as well as strategies to ensure we balance ventilation and thermal comfort in classrooms to help prevent the spread of illness.

You can read more on the ACT Education Directorate website.

Knowing your emojis to keep kids safe
Do you know that a chilli emoji ? can have multiple meanings? Or what the acronym PIR or the number 9 stands for?

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) led Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) is urging the community to understand the double meaning of emojis and acronyms, to keep kids safe. They offer some top tips for parents, and recent examples of emoji use and acronyms popping up with youth online. For more information, read the online article Knowing your emojis to keep your kids safe or visit and search ‘emojis’.

Parent Portal
Remember the Parent Portal is now live, which is a secure online platform used to share student information between you and your child’s teachers.
Using the Parent Portal on your mobile phone, tablet or computer, you will be able to:

  • notify us if your child is sick or explain an absence
  • receive academic reports
  • receive our school newsletter
  • receive messages from your child’s teachers
  • make payments
  • access the school calendar and your child’s student timetable.

You can start the sign up and identity verification process now so you’re ready to go. Head to the Education Directorate website Parent Portal page for all the details.

This year’s theme chosen by the National NAIDOC Committee, is ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud & Proud.’ The theme honours the enduring strength and vitality of First Nations culture – with fire a symbol of connection to Country, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

At the College, reconciliation involves striving to understand, respect, and learn about Australia's First Peoples, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We will celebrate National Reconciliation Week (NRW) during our Support Group class in Week 2, Term 3.

Pupil Free Day Reminder
Reminder – Monday 22 July 2024 is a Pupil Free Day

A friendly reminder to all parents and carers that there are 2 remaining student-free days for ACT public schools in 2024. These are the first day of each school term:

Term 3 – Monday 22 July 2024

Term 4 – Monday 14 October 2024 

Student-free days are for staff development, enabling teachers and schools to plan in a student-free environment. The increase in student-free planning days from 2024 is part of our Teaching Staff Enterprise Agreement, which prioritises better teacher workloads for educational leadership, teaching and learning.

Emergency Management Practice 
Learning about how to manage in an emergency has its place in the College's student program. Towards the middle of term there will be a routine evacuation/lockdown practice for staff and students. If there is something additional to information already shared with us that we should know about how your child reacts to evacuation/lockdown routines please contact to let us know.

Outdoor Recreation
Term two was filled with exploration. Year 12 students crawled, slid, and scrambled their way through the wild cave systems in Bungonia National Park learning caving techniques and how to navigate caves. Bungonia boasts its variety of activities with the students also able to spend time abseiling and rock climbing.

Year 11’s spent time abseiling at Wee Jasper and had the opportunity to explore some of the nearby caves. Students developed their roping skills and learnt about how caves form and the formations and decorations on display and challenged themselves with extra optional squeezes and games of hide and seek.

Outdoor and Environmental Education

Year 12 Outdoor and Environmental Education students have spent the term deepening their knowledge and connection with nature. Learning about topics such as fire effects on the Australians Alps, geology, alpine animals, Indigenous connection with place and solitude. These students will make their way back to the Australian Alps next semester to continue to strengthen their connection with the area and see firsthand what they have been learning about.


Year 11’s had the opportunity to be more creative with one of their assignments being to write a nature diary with entries on landscapes, flora, fauna, and clouds. Their initial entry was followed up with deeper research to cement their knowledge. Students are now learning about risk management in outdoor activities and environments. 


Coming Up!

Outdoor Recreation students are getting geared up for the snow trips next term with boots and ski fittings underway.

Offline trips are full steam ahead with Reef Trip preparations underway, and Backcountry Snow Camping and the Downhill Ski Trip within sight.

Parents and guardians will have recieved email communication recently regarding voluntary contributions.

Voluntary contributions play an important role in enhancing teaching and learning at UCSSC Lake Ginninderra. Your voluntary contributions will help foster innovation, collaborative learning and make an impact for current and future students. 

Your support goes towards initiatives, purchase of materials and resources and enabling projects across the school and in subject areas. Recent projects include: Commons upgrade (shown below), English and Humanities classroom improvements, Makerspace, Podcast equipment and upgrade of library and learning spaces.


In 2024 your support will help with initiatives such as: The Breakfast Club which supports student health and wellbeing, upgrading of photography and computer labs, new carpet through the front foyer of the college, learning support unit, gardens, and outdoor table tennis table for student use.


LakeFEST 2024 was a wonderful three-day celebration including Lake Ideas, Lake Chill and Lake Idol. This event helps to foster creativity and innovative thinking, whilst building our school community and connection.

Day One - Lake Ideas

The festivities commenced with Lake Ideas, a day dedicated to innovation. Chris, our Maths and Science Executive Teacher, kicked things off with a thrilling guesstimation easter egg challenge, with Parker and Brenton both guessing the exact number of eggs in the jar - 123. Meanwhile, the return of the Spelling Bee brought forth a flurry of puns and spelling prowess, with Emma reclaiming her title as the ultimate wordsmith and Xavier taking out second place. Principal, Melissa entertained as the Word Master once again and Humanities Executive Teacher, Zoe took out the winning title for staff.

English staff member Adam ran a captivating session of chess and board games, while Icey, our Business teacher, oversaw the Lake Pitch session, showcasing budding entrepreneurs like Reece and his stylish and contemporary hoodie venture with interchangeable zipper patch designs.

Day Two - Lake Chill

Lake Chill offered a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle, as Deputy Principal Scott and Arts and Technology Executive Teacher Shannon treated staff to 'Lattes by the Lake’. Cam and Cuz ensured sports enthusiasts didn't miss a beat, hosting an NBA viewing party in the lecture theatre.

Buddy and the PE staff injected a dose of fun with a Cornhole tournament during recess. PK introduced students to the art of Henna, inspiring creativity, and cultural appreciation.

As lunchtime rolled around, the gym was busy with the Free Throw competition, while Jenny and Eva led crochet and knitting activities.

Day Three - Lake Idol and Wellbeing Expo

The grand finale of Lake Fest unfolded on Day Three, featuring the highly anticipated Lake Idol competition. From dynamic dancers to soulful vocalists, students showcased their talents to an enthusiastic audience. Principal Melissa, along with Drama/Dance teacher Lachlan and student representative Caitlin, had the tough task of selecting winners, with the Dance number clinching the top spot, congratulations to Amyra, Arden, Jasper, Kendra and Selima! Special kudos to Sol, Jackson, Izzi and Brad for winning the people's choice award. All the performers are to be congratulated for their incredible performances.

Amidst the excitement of Lake Idol, students and staff enjoyed a free BBQ, fuelling the festivities. Simultaneously, the courtyard was alive with activity as the Wellbeing Expo welcomed various providers offering valuable insights on wellness initiatives and health issues.

LakeFEST 2024 was a resounding success, fostering connections and community spirit throughout the college. As we reflect on the week's events, let's carry forward the inspiration, creativity, and sense of well-being that LakeFEST has instilled within us all. Here's to many more memorable celebrations in the future!

Thank you to all staff and students who participated and contributed in LakeFEST!

Harmony Day

This term we celebrated Harmony Day with a delightful gathering that illuminated the strong cultural diversity and unity at our school. Students and staff came together to showcase their talents through dance and musical performances, complemented by a mouthwatering selection of international delicacies. The vibrant atmosphere was a testament to the collaborative effort of our school community, with great appreciation to all volunteers who dedicated their time and effort to make the event a success. A special acknowledgment is owed to the student leadership group, who had the initial inspiration for the event and ensured its smooth operation. Despite the rapid disappearance of the culinary delights, the enthusiasm of everyone attending remained undiminished, as students lingered to soak in the spirit of togetherness and celebration. It was a fantastic way to celebrate the diversity of our school.

'Kiss Me Kate' Musical Production

Rehearsals are well underway for 2024’s College musical, Kiss Me, Kate!. With music and lyrics by Cole Porter and a book by Sam and Bella Spewack, Kiss Me, Kate! is a musical reimagining of Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew”, filled with comedy, romance, gangsters, and raucous, show-stealing song and dance.

In a steamy Baltimore theatre in 1948, egotistical producer, director and star Fred Graham is producing his own star vehicle - a musical of “Taming of the Shrew”. In the lead role, he has cast his furious ex-wife, film star Lili Vanessi. Adding to the tension of their professional and personal relationship is the presence of the young, ditzy starlet Lois Lane, her gambling boyfriend Bill Calhoun, and a pair of threatening, theatre-loving gangsters who are holding the show at gunpoint.

The show features such iconic songs as “So In Love,” “Too Darn Hot,” “Brush Up Your Shakespeare” and “Always True to You (In My Fashion)”, as well as fast paced dance, slapstick comedy, memorable characters and a chaotic, farcical story.

The students have been working hard in this first term, rehearsing scenes, songs, and larger dance numbers whilst the band has begun to learn the music.

Kiss Me, Kate! will be performed here at Lake Ginninderra Wednesday to Saturday 14-17 August. We look forward to seeing you there!

Safety Protocols and Procedures
ACT Government schools conduct familiarilty drills for evacuation and lockdown procedures throughout the year. In term 1, an evacuation drill was conducted and improvements made after reviewing the drill. There will be a lockdown drill during term 2 with further information to come. 

Health Medical and Applied Sciences (HMAS)

Students in the Health Medical and Applied Sciences R Unit have been on a captivating journey this year as we have delved into the realms of science and careers! Throughout the year, our weekly gatherings have offered students a diverse array of engaging activities, providing valuable insights into various scientific disciplines and potential career pathways.

We started the year with comprehensive discussions on the intricacies of medical education and some tips on how to be successful in the UCAT test for aspiring medical students. In this learned about the length of study that is needed to become a specialist and the process that student doctors go through.

We have also explored nutrition science, midwifery, and optometry, deepening our understanding of the interconnectedness of many health science careers. The nutritionist helped to dispel some of the common myths around food and nutrition, getting students to think about what choices they make and why. The midwives brought ‘baby pouches’ which you strapped on and allowed you to give birth, with baby, membrane and placenta included! Luckily the babies were quite robust as there were some difficult and rather unconventional births! Our excursion to the UC Optometry study facilities opened our eyes to the possibilities that come with a degree in optometry. We learned about the difficulties of having low or no vision from Guide Dogs Australia, and then toured the state-of-the-art eye testing facilities available to students in the UC clinic.

For students interested in sport science, we had the privilege of hearing from a guest speaker who shared insights into the field of exercise physiology - including the diversity of job opportunities, and options for getting into university courses if you don’t quite make the required ATAR (always handy to know!). We also learned the difference between exercise science and exercise physiology - a slight distinction between the two, but important to know if that is a field you are thinking about pursuing.

There are many more opportunities available in the rest of the year, so if you are interested in any of the health or applied sciences, please join us in the HMAS R Unit as we continue on this enriching journey of science career exploration.

Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad

The STEM faculty entered seven teams in the Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad this year from UC SSC Lake Ginninderra. The teams competed online to demonstrate their capacity to interpret the structure of languages that they have never encountered, using both logic and problem-solving skills. They answered a series of questions over a two-hour period and below, is an example of a question from a past paper. This question shows the use of pronouns in the Lardil language, spoken in the North of Australia. If you are interested in the answers, they are posted later in the newsletter, along with a photo of some students taking part.

Congratulations to our team of students who have made it into the second round. Best of luck to Jamie Lanc, Finn Crombie, Alex Nguyen and Laasyasri Gunnam. We will be posting the results on the school socials and provide it in the next school newsletter.


ACT UN Youth Voice

Congratulations to Leo McAuliffe (Y11) for his recent success at the ACT UN Youth Voice Public Speaking competition. Voice is a unique public speaking competition inviting students to pitch innovative solutions to some of the most complex social issues facing local communities, Australia and the world. Approximately 20 senior students competed in the ACT competition over two nights. In the first round, Leo prepared a speech that explored how Australia should balance its need to protect its own national security with its desire to promote international peace. He made it through to the ACT finals, where he prepared a second speech on how corporations can help mitigate the cost of living crisis. We’re pleased to report that Leo has now made it through to the National finals, which will be held in April. He will have to prepare a new speech from a list of topics provided.

Congratulations and good luck to Leo!
Chloe Diggins

Trade Skills for Teens

The Bunnings 'Trade Skills for Teens program’ is a 4-week program held each term at school where students gain hands on experience and learn basic building skills in a fun, engaging, and rewarding way.

Last year students assembled flat pack dog houses supplied by Bunnings and donated the finished products to RSPCA. An added bonus was that the students personally delivered the dog houses and met the furry friends who were going to benefit from the donation.

This term students are assembling chicken pens and then donating the finished products to a local not-for-profit community group. This program gives the students the opportunity to work in teams using a variety of tools, measuring, reading instructions and problem solving.

Sustainable Garden Program

Late last year Lake Ginninderra College was successful in obtaining a Bunnings grant which funded the refurbishment of a garden area in the school resulting in a sustainable garden for students to maintain and enjoy whilst learning about sustainability.

The students are working through a monthly garden planner and this month will be focusing on Composting, worming, mushrooms, and winter vegetable planting.

Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club program is open to all students and staff, allowing every member of the UCSSC Lake Ginninderra community to access the most important meal of the day with their peers.

Our casual friendly atmosphere encourages students to feel welcomed and connected to the college.

Capital Chemist Awards

Presentations of the Capital Chemist sponsored awards for the Public Education Foundation were recently held at the Hellenic Club. Our College recipients were
  • Ellie Magee, Academic Excellence Award
  • Amelia Tattam, Citizenship Award
  • Nathanael How, Capital Chemist Award

Deputy Principal Gerard Barrett with our Capital Chemist Award recipients.
(L - R Gerard Barrett, Ellie Magee, Amelia Tattam, Nathanael How)

Clean Up Australia Day

Clean Up Australia Day was a resounding success! Students came together to fill and deliver bags upon bags of collected rubbish, showcasing their dedication to preserving our environment. Among the intriguing items brought in were a whole wood plank, unused wires, and even some metal. It was heartening to see so many people invested in cleaning up areas that had been neglected for far too long.

Special thanks to the Student Leadership Group (SLG) for organizing the event, ensuring its smooth execution. We extend our gratitude to Kirk Zwangobani, our Deputy Principal, for overseeing the tally of rubbish collected. As promised, the winning SG will receive a well-deserved prize of a bag of Zooper Doopers.

A big round of applause to everyone who participated in this effort to sanitize and beautify Australia. Your commitment to environmental stewardship is truly commendable!

International Womens Day

Celebrating International Women's Day left students inspired and grateful for the opportunity to hear from such esteemed speakers. Dr. Fiona Dyer's insights into water science shed light on the importance of environmental stewardship and inclusive decision-making. Alicia Lillington's leadership journey showcased the power of transformative change and advocacy for gender equity in the workplace. Her story was particularly inspiring as she had only recently had a baby, so we really appreciated the effort taken to come and speak to us! Annie-Lea Rowley's dedication to empowering youth and under-served communities highlighted the vital role of mentorship and community engagement. Thank you to all the speakers for sharing your wisdom and experiences, and for reminding us of the imperative to 'Count Her In' and invest in women to accelerate progress. 

Partners in Learning

Wednesday evening saw the third iteration of our Partners in Learning (PIL) event, which has grown from 15 parents in 2022 to over 70 parents this year.

It was rewarding to see such a great turn out and so many parents committed to affecting change in the lives of their young people.

Parent feedback was overwhelming in affirming the value of PIL

“It changed my mindset to get involved and engage with my children for their learning.”

“It was all great. Really valued the insight to the AST and the psychology insight - great for parents to be helping in a constructive way.”

“Hints and ideas about engaging our child in talking about school work (was very useful). Great to learn about line H!”

Thanks to the presenting team – Linda Jakab, Chris Cutting, Chloe Diggins, Melissa Planten and Kirk Zwangobani.


Honouring Excellence in Education

On Wednesday 27 March, classroom teacher KJ Shaw and executive teacher Shannon Kowalick attended a reception held in honour of teachers and members of the ACT School Comunity, recognising excellence in our system. His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley hosted the event at Government House, personally thanking guests for their ongoing comitment and contribution to our school system. Mrs Linda Hurley, a former teacher herself, was overcome with emotion as she detailed the importance of teachers and the work they do, with students always at the heart. It was a wonderful event and a privilege to have been able to attend.


Deputy Director General Visit

Jane Simmons - Deputy Director-General visited the college this term. Thanks to several of students who met with Jane and assisted with a tour of the school.


(L to R: Nathanael, Melissa, Ellie, Jane, Leo, Zac)

She Leads Conference

The "She Leads College Conference 2024" held at the Canberra Rex Hotel was a transformative event for five students: Amelia Tattam, Amelia Condon-Cernovs, Emily Hyde, Sarah Perrott, and Sonia Simons. This conference centred on the theme of 'Rise Up', where panellists shared their personal leadership journeys, including significant challenges and triumphs in overcoming adversity. The students participated in workshops that further explored the concept of 'rising up' and shared their insights on the topic. Speakers at the conference emphasized the importance of inclusive leadership, illustrating that leadership is accessible to anyone at any stage of life. The key takeaway for our students was the value of diverse skills, interests, and backgrounds in cultivating effective leadership. This experience underscored the belief that embracing diversity leads to stronger leadership qualities.

Pilot of the Student-Centred School Improvement Framework

All ACT Government schools undergo a review process every 3-5 years conducted by the ACT Department of Education. Over the past eighteen months, the Education Directorate and school leaders have been designing an updated school improvement model for the ACT school system. The Student-Centred School Improvement Framework (SCIF) will place student growth, development, and success explicitly at the centre of what we do in schools.

Our college is due to pilot this review in 2024. The aim is to continually improve our ACT schools. SCIF aims to provide an environment for fulfilling student potential by supporting schools to sustain accessible, inclusive, and effective teaching and learning.

Part of the process involves a group of principals and ACT Department staff visiting schools to chat with the school leadership team, teachers, students, and parents. In term 1, an external review team conducted classroom visits with teachers and students which involved dropping in on lessons, and discussing topics which included Pedagogy, Curriculum and Assessment.

This external review team will again return to Lake Ginninderra in term 2 for the formal review process. At this time, the review team will again engage with students, staff, and in addition with the wider school community.

Below is a copy of the SCIF model.


UC SSC Lake Ginninderra College is piloting the ‘Learning’ dimension. This has elements and focuses as shown:


The results of school review and development of the next school improvement cycle will be shared via our website with our community once completed.

Capital Works Upgrades Commencing

In 2023 the College was fortunate to receive a Public Schools Infrastructure Renewal Program (PSIRP) grant for the upgrade of our Media, Photography, Design, and IT learning spaces.

Over Term 1 this year, we have been finalising the project detail. ‘Colda Constructions’ won the procurement tender for the build which will commence during the upcoming school holidays.

Construction is expected to take 12 – 14 weeks, with the new 21st Century learning spaces coming online in Term 3, 2024.

Several classes will be relocated from the building zone for Term 2 and temporary computer labs are also being stood up to accommodate Photography, IT, Media, Design and Small Group Programs.

As expected, there will be some disruption, however, this should be minimal and well worth the upgrade to a large section of the College.

We will provide regular updates as the project progresses throughout the remainder of the semester.

If you require any further information please contact Deputy Principal Kirk Zwangobani or Business Manager Jason Smith via email

New mobile phone policy for all ACT public schools

The new Personal Use of Communication Devices in ACT Public Schools Policy commenced from the beginning of term 1, 2024.

For students at UC SSC Lake Ginninderra this means:

  • mobile phones and other personal communications devices must be silenced and put away during class time except where used as a learning tool under teacher direction.

Special consideration and exemptions
Exemptions can be requested if a student needs their device/assistive technology:

  • to manage or monitor a medical condition
  • to help meet caring or family responsibilities
  • to support adjustments for students with disability as part of an agreed individual learning plan.

If you would like to apply for an exemption please speak with our front office.

You can read more about the policy including frequently asked questions on the Education Directorate website

Parent Portal Has Launched

Parent Portal is now available. It is a secure online platform used to share student information between you and your child’s teachers.

Some reminders about Parent Portal:

  • If you already have a Parent Portal account, use this Parent Portal access link to start using the great features.
  • You can’t access Parent Portal directly through the ACT Digital Account website; you need to use the link above.
  • When you are logged into Parent Portal, we recommend saving the browser as a favourite or to the homepage on your mobile phone for quick access in the future.
  • The website can only be viewed using a web browser on your computer, mobile phone or tablet. An app is not available at this time.
  • If you still need to register, you will need an access key and a Parent Portal registration link via email to link your existing account to your child’s records. If you haven’t received this, please contact the school’s front office team for assistance.

Head to our website for all the details:

STEM Tutorials: A Launchpad for Future Innovators!

In a world where the boundaries of what's possible are constantly being redrawn by advancements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), our school community has taken a significant leap forward. Our Friday afternoon STEM tutorials have ignited a spark of curiosity and enthusiasm among our students, with over 15 young minds attending most sessions. This burgeoning interest in the realms of mathematics and sciences speaks volumes about our students' eagerness to learn and explore.

A noteworthy observation has been the surge in attendance around assessment periods. This highlights the critical role these tutorials play in helping students cement their understanding and approach assessments with confidence. While the increased attendance during these times is fantastic, we're eager to see this level of engagement continue throughout the year. Regular attendance at these tutorials offers a golden opportunity for students to consistently reinforce their understanding and stay ahead in their academic journey.

We encourage all our students to take advantage of this incredible resource – your future self will thank you for it!

Delve into the fascinating world of pathogens and human health with Science at ANU's engaging outreach program!

Recently, Human Biology year 12 students had the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in hands-on activities tailored to their current studies. From mastering microscopy techniques to sharpen their skills in pipetting and gel electrophoresis, students were guided by ANU academic and support staff through the process of diagnosing infectious diseases. This interactive experience not only deepened their understanding of the subject matter but also provided invaluable insight into real-world laboratory practices. Students were highly inspired by the exciting collaborations and educational opportunities from Science at ANU!

Physics Impulse Practical Workshop

Year 11 Physics students engaged in a fun practical session this week to explore concepts around momentum and impulse. Momentum in Physics is a measure of the amount of motion that an object possesses, being calculated as the mass of an object multiplied by its velocity. Changes in the momentum of an object occur as a result of an applied impulse, which is the name given for a force acting over a period of time.

Students learned that by extending the time over which a force acts, a smaller force is required to change the momentum of an object. This is the principle behind crumple zones on cars as well as the use of rubber matting in gymnastics and other sporting events.

Year 11 Physics students ended the practical session by throwing eggs at a sheet. The sheet is able to move with the egg, slowing down the change in momentum and reducing the force experienced by the egg. Most eggs survived, with the few that broke being the result of poor aim. Hopefully everyone feels a little safer travelling in cars knowing that Physics is at work reducing their chances of being hurt.

Check out the following gallery for the Girls in STEM Day at the AFP Forensics Facility

Upcoming Events

The Australian Cyber Schools Challenge
Starting Term 2 students will be competing in a hyper realistic cyber range to test their industry level skills in cyber security via online learning modules and live-fire cyber activities. Each year we partake in The Australian Schools Cyber Challenge which is designed to provide practical, hands-on learning opportunities for our students who are interested in future study in computer networks, data security and cyber security, and/or pursuing a career in this field after school.

The Great Science Adventure
Our students are venturing to Dubbo Zoo for a hands-on learning experience that bridges classroom science with real-world application. This trip is set to spark curiosity about the interconnections within science, unveil diverse career paths, and demonstrate how theories translate into conservation and understanding of our natural world. We're excited for them to return, filled with new insights and inspired to explore the vast possibilities that science offers.

Australian Maths Trust - Computation and Algorithmic Thinking: 21st May 2024
The Computational and Algorithmic Thinking (CAT) competition gives students the opportunity to develop their problem-solving skills through algorithmic thinking. The competition incorporates unique ‘three-stage tasks’ that encourage students to develop informal algorithms and apply them to test data of increasing size or complexity.

Australian Maths Trust – Australian Mathematics Competition 9th August
First run in 1978, the Australian Mathematics Competition is Australia’s longest running, largest and most well-known maths competition for school students. The AMC contains unique problems designed each year by leading educators and academics to challenge and extend your students’ problem-solving skills. Students will have the opportunity to take part in this fantastic program.

IT – Oxford University Computing Challenge: 18th June 2024
The Oxford University Computing Challenge (OUCC) helps students develop skills to produce programmed solutions to computational problems.



Dear all

Welcome to autumn or should that be winter! What a busy term it has been with an array of learning opportunities, experiences, and events.  This bumper newsletter edition covers so many activities, stories, and successes. We hope the year 11s are settling in, and enjoying the different opportunities college brings.

The school would like to take this occasion to thank ,and farewell, Gerard Barrett, Deputy Principal. Gerard will take some leave before retiring early 2025. Gerard has been at the College for 14 years and previously at Melba Copland College for 19 years.  Gerard taught mathematics and science, wrote BSSS courses for mathematics and physics and has worked in areas which have an impact on students including certification, ACT Scaling Test program, student welfare and in a leadership capacity.


Gerard is also a distance runner who represented Australia in the marathon at the Moscow Olympics in 1980, an amazing feat. These days he prefers to cycle. But even in that pursuit, it’s daily and a long way! Thank you, Gerard, for your dedication and support of the college and students and staff and for the difference you make/made to the education experience and lives for our students. We wish you well and all the very best for the future.

School upgrades and learning space re-development.

Thank you to all as the school commences upgrades, refurbishments and new learning environments for students and staff.  Busy times ahead and work, collaboration and flexibility very much appreciated for our students and future students. Thank you to all stake holders involved who have progressed projects.

Sharing school events and student success.

LakeFEST occurred last week and is a three-day exploration of ideas, creativity, and wellbeing. It enables students to extend their learning beyond the classroom. Commencing in 2023 it is now an annual mainstay on the school calendar. Thank you all for your participation, and support of, LakeFEST including the Lake Idol event. Thank you also to community providers at the Wellbeing EXPO. 

Congratulations to performers, singers, musicians, bands and dancers. The judges found it very difficult to separate the acts and did want to give the Staff Band an Honourable Mention for their rendition of ‘Take on Me’ by Ah Ha. Speaking of acts, we are all really looking forward to the school musical “Kiss Me Kate” from 15-17 August.

Congratulations to our Capital Chemist Award winners 2024. Ellie Magee, Academic Excellence Award, Amelia Tattam, Citizenship Award, Nathanael How, Capital Chemist Award.

Congratulations to 14 year 11 students who are the successful applicants to undertake an H course university extension at the Australian National University. The College was highly successful this year doubling successful entrants. Courses the students will undertake include Biodiversity, Commerce, Continuing Japanese, Creative Computing, Discovering Engineering and Physics. We wish students well as they commence study in term 2.

I also attended the AISACT Leadership Breakfast where Lisa Paul Chancellor at The University of Canberra spoke about her extensive career.

His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd), Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Her Excellency Mrs Linda Hurley invited 50 ACT public school teachers to attend a special event recognising and celebrating the contributions made by teachers and educators in the ACT. Shannon Kowalick and KJ Shaw were selected to attend this event.

Jane Simmons Deputy Director General visited the school on Thursday 7 March, enjoyed a tour, chatting with students and discovering the great programs and courses on offer.

Student Centred Improvement Framework

In 2024, UCSSC Lake Ginninderra will be one of 17 ACT Public Schools to ‘test and trial’ the ACT Directorate’s new ‘Student-Centred Improvement’ Framework. This framework will be ready for full implementation for all public schools in 2025. The Student-Centred Evaluation Framework will replace the current National Schools Improvement Tool (NSIT) which involved 5-year review cycles. The College’s focus is on curriculum, pedagogy and assessment and we shall keep you informed of possible focus groups and student/parent/carer input opportunities.

Voluntary contributions

The College really appreciates the voluntary contributions families make to assist with student resources, improving learning spaces, library/research centre, equipment, student programs and learning/curriculum initiatives. A request for voluntary contributions has been sent to families. Thanking you in advance for your support.

In 2024-2025 your support will help the re-design of classroom/open areas, IT labs, Media suite and facilities to create contemporary learning environments and welcoming sustainable spaces for students and the school community. Please refer to information in this newsletter on how to contribute.

Enrolments for 2025 (prospective year 10 students) open Tuesday 30 April 2024. Closes Friday 7 June 2024


To enrol please go to our website or the Education Directorate site. 

Priority Enrolment Area Suburbs (PEA) are Aranda, Belconnen, Bruce, Cook, Giralang, Kaleen, Lawson, Macquarie, McKellar.

Information Night 2024 for prospective students 2025


I shall host a coffee catchup in term 2, please stay tuned for date and time. Hoping to show you some of the new projects we have ongoing, coffee and raisin toast from our café cart, and to meet some of our heads of departments too.

Lest We Forget as we commemorate ANZAC Day 2024 during the holidays.


All the best for the break, recharge the batteries and relax.
Please don’t forget the first Monday of each term is pupil free so school resumes for students on Tuesday 30 April.

Melissa Planten

Intercollege Basketball

We participated in an intercollege basketball tournament featuring three boys' teams and one girls' team. Games were played every Thursday from weeks 3-7 against colleges around the ACT, with preliminary finals kicking off in week 8.

In the quarterfinals, our Blue's boys' team dominated their opponents from Hawker with a commanding score of 123-18, securing a resounding victory. However, the White's boys' team faced a tough challenge against Gungahlin College, resulting in a loss with a score of 54-101, ending their journey in the tournament. The girls' team also faced Gungahlin College in their semi-finals. Despite their best efforts, they fell short, with a final score of 22-34, concluding their run in the tournament.

The Blue's team battled Erindale College in the grand final, Thursday week 10. We came from behind to just pip Erindale. It was another close and exciting game between the two schools, with the quality of Basketball being played each year increasing. This is a credit to the next generation of Basketballers showing their passion and commitment.

Intercollege Oztag 

Weeks 3-7 this term saw 3 mixed oztag teams play a round robin tournament against other colleges in the north side. With many talented teens showcasing their ball skills, teamwork, and defensive tactics week to week. In in the end, it was Gungahlin College who won in a competitive final against Lake Ginninderra Black, who ended up 3rd on the ladder, followed by Lake Ginninderra Blue in 4th place and Lake Ginninderra Green in 5th place. Congratulations and we look forward to seeing many of you back for term 2 intercollege sports of ultimate frisbee and futsal.

ACT Secondary Tennis - Boys and Girls

Daniel Rowing (year 11) is the ACT Boys Individual Tennis Champion! Dan will now be apart of the ACT Pizzey Cup team that travels to the Australian Championships in Hobart in May. We would like to wish Daniel all the best for this tournament and congratulate him on his achievments thus far.

AFL Canberra - Senior Cup North - Boys and Girls

On Thursday week 6 the Senior Schools AFL Gala Day was held for Northside colleges, we had both a girls’ and boys’ team.

The boys’ team who, after early losses to St Francis Xavier and Hawker, secured a victory over Gungahlin, landing a 4th place finish in the group stages and qualifying for semis. Their journey to the semi-finals saw a challenging match up against Radford where they unfortunately fell short.

The girls team clinched early victories against St Francis Xavier and Gungahlin. Despite encountering tough losses from Radford and Daramalan, the girls maintained their momentum, securing a commendable 2nd place overall after being unavailable for the grand final.

VACT College Beach Vball Cup

The biggest sport participation event of year (89 teams & 278 college students across the ACT) was held Friday week 6! We also had a record number of teams from Lake Ginninderra (25), who all behaved and participated with fantastic skill and sportsmanship. They were brilliant ambassadors for the college on a very hot and challenging day. A big thank you to Buddy for coordinating the day with Volleyball ACT. As well as Brooke, Anna & Skylar for their invaluable support and student management.

Our girls pairs won the title for the 10th consecutive year (Emily Benson & Ema Rajic).

Our boys pairs filled 7 of the 8 quarter final spots to win an 18th consecutive title (Ben Larson & Jack Renner)

The Mixed Fours title was fought out by 52 teams. We finished runners up after narrowly losing the grand final in a fantastic match.

Water Polo ACT College Day

Wednesday of week 7 we combined with Gungahlin College to create a water polo team for the ACT College Gala Day. Lake G/Gunners kicked off their day at the tournament with an impressive performance securing a strong win over Canberra Grammer in the opening match. The team then went on to play a challenging match with Canberra College, resulting in a hard-fought loss. However, Lake G/Gunners managed to come back and win their last match against another Combined College team and finish 3rd place in the tournament.

For some players, the tournament served as an opportunity to experience water polo for the first time.

ACT Oztag

On Wednesday of week 7 we had two boys and a girls teams take on the ACT College Gala Day.

Lake G Green finished 7th out of 8 teams with 1 win and 5 losses. Lake G Blue finished 2nd out of 8 teams making finals with 4 wins, 1 loss, and a draw. Girls finished 2nd out of 6 teams with 3 wins, 1 loss, and a draw.

We would like to congratulate both Lake G Blue and the Girls who although fell short in their grand finals, went on to qualify for Sydney in August this year.

NRL College Rugby League Schoolboys Trophy (JA Cup)

On Tuesday of week 9 we had a boys team represent Lake Ginninderra and showcase their talent in the NRL College League Schoolboys Trophy (John Allen Cup). The boys had an even 2-2 record with great start in a comfortable win over Gungahlin before falling to Erindale Red. They went on to accomplish a massive comeback win against Erindale Black, which secured their qualification into the Country Round in NSW later this year before finishing in a loss to Erindale White.

Congratulations to the boys for advancing into the next round on point difference.


Australian Beach Volleyball Schools Cup (ABVSC)

12 students travelled to Coolangatta Beach for the Australian Beach Volleyball Schools Cup (ABVSC) at the end of week 8. Battling rain, wind, glare and burning sunshine the students all put in 100%, showcasing their athleticism and passion for volleyball. Emily Benson and Ema Rajic won the silver medal in the girls pairs; Max Edvardsson and Will Witherford won the bronze medal in the boys pairs which is an incredible effort.

School Sport ACT (SSACT) Excellence Awards

Huge congratulations to staff member Chris Jones on being awarded the ACT Official of the year for 2023. Chris has been a part of the ACT 18&U Golf team for more than a decade, each year travelling with the students and supporting them to compete in the Australian Championship. His dedication and commitment to giving back to the community and supporting the next generation to be passionate about sport is admirable. Congratulations Chris!

Students who were acknowledged at the SSACT Excellence awards include:

Year 11

  • Ryan Gooch – 13&O Achievement nominee, 13&0 All Rounder recipient and All Australian Team acknowledgement (16&U Basketball)
  • Sophie Weaver - 13&O leadership recipient
  • Alysha Kumar - All Australian Team acknowledgement (18&U Tennis)
  • Moses Kaufusi – 13&O Leadership nominee

Year 12

  • Riley Yuen - 13&O Leadership nominee

Alumni 2023

  • Ben Slater – 13&O Achievement nominee, 13&O Sportsmanship nominee and All Australian Team acknowledgement (18&U Boys Softball).

SSACT selection 2024

This term we have had 5 students selected to represent the ACT in the Australian Schools Sporting championships later in the year. Congratulations to the following students:

  • Jake Slater – 18&U Softball Boys
  • Ben Godwin – 16&U Basketball Boys
  • Erin Boardman – 18&U Softball Girls
  • Alisha Kumar – 18&U Tennis
  • Daniel Rowing – 18&U Tennis
  • Reece Harrigan - 16&U Basketball Boys

Individual Student Success

Year 11

Georgia Ritchie

Georgia attended the Junior Matildas camp in March at the AIS and has been travelling with Canberra United squad this season.

Alexandra Barham and Sophie Weaver

Congratulations to Alex and Sophie on their selection in the ACT U18’s Girls Indoor Cricket team who are heading to Victoria for Nationals in July.

Ryan Gooch, Stirling Musgrove, Solomon Duggan, Ajak Nyuon, Aleer Chol and Max Manning

The boys above have all been selected in the U18’s ACT Boys Basketball team that will be heading to Brisbane for the 2024 Footlocker National Championships in April.

Zara Russell

Zara will be a part of the U18’s ACT Girls Basketball team heading to Brisbane with the boys for the 2024 Footlocker National Championships in April.

Emme Culver

Congratulations Emme on being selected in the U17’s ACT netball team who will travel to Victoria for the National Netball Championships in April.

Year 12

Imojean Vea

Imojean has been representing the Canberra Raiders in the Westpac Tarsha Gale Cup (Girls Rugby League). The competition has allowed young women aspiring to pursue a career in rugby league to be exposed to a high level sporting experience travelling to Sydney, Canberra and surrounding suburbs to compete.

Nathan White

Nathan has been selected in the ACT Boys Golf team who will head to the Australian Junior Interstate Teams Matches in Perth this April. Congratulations on your selection and good luck!

Cameron Myers

Cameron has continued his amazing form winning the national open men’s title in the 3000m in a time of 7:46.38! This was a new U20 record at the Chemist Warehouse Sydney Track Classic on Saturday March 23. Congratulations Cam and wishing good luck with securing his place in the Olympic team at next week's national titles in Adelaide.


Jack McVeigh

Jack is an alumnus from 2013; he has hit the shot of the year in the grand final series to put Tasmanian Jack Jumper one step closer to a first NBL title. Check out the moment at


The Jack Jumpers went on to win the championship with Jack starring in the final game.

March Madness

March Madness, is a single-elimination tournament played in the United States to determine the men's and women’s college basketball national champion of the Division I level in the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Played mostly during March, the tournament consists of 68 teams and was first conducted in 1939. Below is the list of Alumni who participated in 2024:

  • Last-Tear Poa (LSU)
  • Kelsey Rees (Oregon State)
  • Sarah-Rose Smith (Colorado)
  • Isabel Palmer (Utah)
  • Jaz Shelley (Nebraska)
  • Jess Petrie (Nebraska)
  • Elissa Brett (Michigan)
  • Chyra Evans (Michigan)
  • Emily Sewell (California Baptist)
  • Tyrese Proctor (Duke)
  • Rory Hawke (St Mary’s)
  • Harry Wessels (St Mary’s)
  • Alex Ducas (St Mary’s)
  • Jensen Bradtke (St Mary’s)
  • Alex Condon (Florida)
  • Reyne Smith (Charleston)
  • Evan Kilminster (Charlston)

Omnia Inclusive Employment Solutions are disability employment and Youth NDIS specialists. They partner with individuals, carers, employers, community groups and allied health providers to create personalised programs that touch every part of a candidate’s life – from increased independence and social skills, to finding and thriving in meaningful long-term employment. 

You may be interested in the activities offered during the school holiday break. 

Term 2 Pupil Free Days

Reminder – Monday 29 April 2024 is a Pupil Free Day

A friendly reminder to all parents and carers that there are 3 remaining student-free days for ACT public schools in 2024. These are the first day of each school term:

Term 2 – Tuesday 30 April 2024
Term 3 – Tuesday 23 July 2024
Term 4 – Tuesday 15 October 2024

Pupil free days are for staff development, enabling teachers and schools to plan in a pupil free environment. The increase in student-free planning days from 2024 is part of our Teaching Staff Enterprise Agreement, which prioritises better teacher workloads for educational leadership, teaching and learning.

Information about Absences

Teachers record student attendance at each lesson. To enable accurate and up to date recording and reporting of attendance, providing adequate documentation (SMS, email or Notification of Absence Form and accompanying official documentation) to Student Services after an absence should not be delayed. A 'Satisfactory explanation’ for an absence is one that is supported by appropriate documentation. Examples of appropriate documentation include:

  • Medical Certificate or evidence of an appointment with a practitioner
  • Satisfactory written explanation of absence signed by parent/guardian (e.g. family crisis or bereavement, representative sport etc.)

An explanation (even if a signed note is provided) which is unsatisfactory may not be accepted and be deemed an ‘unauthorised explanation’. Examples of unsatisfactory reasons for absence include:

  • Work commitments
  • Driving lessons
  • Missing the bus
  • Illness without satisfactory documentation (see above)
  • ‘Personal’ reasons where no detail is provided (or these reasons are repeatedly used)

The intention of the attendance policy is early identification and reporting of poor attendance (including lateness, which is identified as “Timed” on the fortnightly absence reports).

If an Absence Form is submitted, but the explanation of absence is assessed as an ‘unauthorised explanation’, parents will be informed and the explanation on the absence report will be identified as ‘unauthorised explanation’.

Extended Leave

We encourage families to contact the college a week in advance by phone or email with information about planned leave of 5 days or more (due to reasons such as holidays, sport representative or medical procedures) to allow enough time for students to collate information from teachers about the work to catch up on. This should allow enough time for students to collect an Extended Leave Agreement Form from Student Services to take to their teachers, have it signed by parent/carers, and returned to Student Services.

Special Consideration Due to Illness

Students are eligible for special provisions if they are disadvantaged by an illness during or immediately prior to an assessment. Students will need to provide appropriate medical evidence, such as a medical certificate, to Student Services.

Special Consideration Due to Misadventure

Students who would like to request a one day extension for an assessments may do so with their classroom teacher. If the student would like an extension of two days or more, they will need to make an appointment with their Year Coordinator, or with Betty Chau, Jenny Parsons or Scott Eastburn in Student Services.

Students can make bookings instantly online using the link:

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support

There are plenty of supports available for young people who are experiencing challenges with their mental health. At Lake Ginninderra College, students can speak to:

  • Support Group teacher
  • Year Coordinator
  • Youth Worker

Our school psychologist, Maddie Althaus, will be on maternity leave from Week 13. While the school continues to receive support from the School Psychology Service, there will be no onsite consultations until further advice. There are numerous online and in-person support organisations, see flyer below.

Students can access their Student Assessment Calendar via the following QR code. 


Careers News

Discover Exciting Career Opportunities for Your Child!

Introducing: Lake Ginninderra Careers

We understand the importance of guiding your child towards a successful and fulfilling career path. That's why we're thrilled to introduce you to Lake Ginninderra Careers - an invaluable resource designed to support your child's journey towards their dream career.

What is Lake Ginninderra Careers?

Lake Ginninderra Careers is an online platform dedicated to providing students with comprehensive information and resources to explore various career pathways. From career assessments to job listings, this platform serves as a one-stop destination for all things related to career planning.

Benefits for Your Child:

  • Career Exploration: Encourage your child to explore diverse career options through detailed information on different industries, job roles, and required qualifications.
  • Educational Resources: Access a wide range of educational resources, including articles, videos, and guides, to help your child make informed decisions about their future.
  • Skills Development: Help your child enhance their skills and employability through access to training programs, workshops, and internships.
  • Job Opportunities: Stay updated on the latest job openings and internship opportunities tailored to your child's interests and qualifications.

Important Links:

Many Important Career Websites: Explore a curated list of important career websites that provide valuable information and resources to assist your child in their career journey.

Online Work Experience: Access online work experience opportunities to gain practical insights into various industries and professions, enhancing your child's understanding of potential career paths.

University Application: Prepare your child for university applications and admissions with guidance and resources provided by the University Admissions Centre (UAC).

How Parents Can Support:

  • Encourage Exploration: Encourage your child to explore different career paths and discover their passions and interests.
  • Provide Guidance: Offer guidance and support as your child navigates through the various stages of career planning and decision-making.
  • Stay Informed: Stay informed about the resources available on Lake Ginninderra Careers and encourage your child to utilise them effectively.
  • Open Communication: Keep communication channels open with your child to understand their aspirations and concerns regarding their future career.

Get Started Today!

Visit Lake Ginninderra Careers today and embark on an exciting journey towards a bright and successful future for your child!

For any inquiries or assistance, feel free to reach out to the Lake Ginninderra Careers team.

UCSSC Careers Market Day 2024

This event will consist of stalls representing organisations such as Universities, Registered Training Organisations (RTO), Apprenticeship Centres, Group training Organisations, Private Colleges, Professional Associations and Employers to support our students transitioning to further work and study options. It will be held in the Commons on Wednesday 8 May from 1:00-3:00pm.

Contact Us

For Work Experience enquiries, please make an appointment to see Ryan using this link.

For ASBA enquiries, please use the booking sheet on the Careers Office door to see Fiona.

Medical / Dentistry Pathway Opportunities

Any Year 12 students are considering a career in medicine or dentistry will need to sit a compulsory entry exam known as the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) before they can apply for relevant placements in the aforementioned fields of study within most universities

Please see below for upcoming UCAT and Interview Preparation services offered through the National Institute of Education

UCAT Preparation (For Year 10, 11 and 12 Students)

UCAT Verbal Reasoning

27 April 2024: Advanced Skills Masterclass Webinar

Curtin University Casper Test Preparation

11 May 2024: Casper Test Masterclass Webinar

Medical Interviews (For Year 11 and 12 Students)

UCAT and Pathways into Medicine / Dentistry Webinar
Students, teachers, and parents are invited to attend. FREE Admission

Future Doctors Australia 

  • 4-day attendance program in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane
  • Age: 14-18 years 

The "Future Doctors Australia" program. This engaging and high-impact 4-day program will provide young people with a unique opportunity to gain medical work experience in a safe and structured environment. Participants will be able to spend time with current junior and senior medical students. They will also have the rare opportunity to spend time with more senior clinicians and various medical specialists. You will get to learn about the clinical specialist's relevant fields of work, ask them questions, and learn some hands-on skills. Spots are strictly limited. Tell me more...

Academic Insight Program

(11-day residential program in Sydney)
Medicine, Psychology, Veterinary Studies, Creative Writing, Engineering, Business Management

  •  Age: 13-18 years
  •  Spots are strictly limited

This immersive Academic Insights 11-day summer program provides ambitious high school students with an experience studying undergraduate-level subjects at the University of Sydney. Enrolments are open to students Australia-wide (13-18 years). Spots are strictly limited. Tell me more...

From the ACT Scaling Test (AST) Coordinator

This term, we have been busy rolling out our AST Preparation and Training Program for our Year 12 Tertiary students. This term, Year 12 T students have:

  • Received the results from their trial papers sat in November last year. This included individualised feedback and marks for all 191 students who sat the trial.
  • Participated in information sessions to consider data insights related to our group performance in the trials.
  • Participated in AST Week in Week 5 in their classes with classroom teachers.

In Week 5, we launched our inaugural AST Week. The aim of AST Week is to:

  • Introduce elements of AST Training-in-context (in class), in short bursts, with multiple exposures over the course of a week.
  • Underscore the importance and value of the AST and send a message to the students that it is worth their time.
  • Upskill students and staff in AST style problem solving and familiarity with the test.

During AST Week, classroom teachers ran through different problem sets for 20 minutes in their classes, which opened opportunities for conversations about the AST with their classroom teachers and peers. It also allowed students to road test a range of strategies and approaches for problem solving, and hopefully find some success in doing so. Research tells us that when students experience even small amounts of success, they are more highly motivated to persevere.  AST week will occur in Week 5 of Terms 1, 2 and 3 each year.

In Term 2, our AST Training sessions (on Wednesday H Line) will focus on skill development for Quantitative and Verbal short response questions. These sessions are compulsory for Year 12 T students and will count towards an AST R Unit.

Finally, a reminder not to organise family holidays or other avoidable travel on the AST dates. The 2024 AST will be held on Tuesday/Wednesday 3-4 September (Week 7, Term 3). Scheduled trips that are avoidable (i.e. they could be arranged for any other time) are not eligible reasons for AST Special Provisions or second sitting applications.

Upcoming dates:

  • 27-28 June (Week 20): AST 2nd Trial (compulsory for all Year 12 T students)
  • 17 July up to the day of the test: Special Emergency Provisions applications (for late injuries or illnesses such as broken bones, new diagnoses, unplanned surgery, etc.)

Term 2 Training Sessions

  • Group 1 (Surnames A-G): Term 2 Week 13-14, Wednesday H Line (2:40-3:40pm)
  • Group 2 (Surnames F-N): Term 2 Week 15-16, Wednesday H Line (2:40-3:40pm)
  • Group 3 (Surnames O-Z): Term 2 Week 17-18, Wednesday H Line (2:40-3:40pm)

Want an idea of what the AST looks like? See if you can solve these AST problems!

Chloe Diggins
AST Coordinator


Outdoor Recreation

This term the year 11 Recreation students have ventured to the coast for their Ocean trips. Students snorkelling went to Jervis Bay and saw Wobbegong sharks, Banjo Rays, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Bioluminescence and more. The Surfing students spent a thrilling couple of days at Broulee getting up on their feet but not without many laughs and wipeouts. The SCUBA students were introduced to whole new underwater world at Bawley Point where they saw Port Jackson Sharks, Nudibranchs, commons sting rays, and much more.

Year 12 students have been building their leadership skills this term assisting year 11 and local high school students with roping, canoeing, snorkelling, and equipment set up.

Students are now preparing to go to either Wee Jasper or Bungonia for their caving and abseiling trips.

Outdoor and Environmental Education (T Course)

In week 6 the year 12 tertiary students spent a very warm couple of days in the Jagungal Wilderness looking at the effects of bushfires on the Australian Alpine environment.

The year 11’s had a relaxing couple of days in Kosciuszko National Park walking from Guthega to Whites River Hut. They ventured up to the Rolling Grounds and students completed Nature Diary entries on the landscape, clouds, and flora.

Offline Program

This term has been filled with offline trips. We began with a Canyoning trip to the Blue Mountains where we abseiled, jumped, and danced our way through Grand Canyon, Lower Bowens Canyon, and Empress Canyon. Next up, we have 15 students off to Nowra and Point Perpendicular in week 11 for a 5-day climbing trip. Students will be able to test their abilities on lots of fun and challenging climbs.